Saturday, December 27, 2008
It Ain't Over Til It's Over
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Joy's of QVC
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bringing Out the Best
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Med Spa Set Wishes Merry Christmas!

Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's a Vintage Christmas
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ebay, Vintage Christmas
Monday, December 8, 2008
I L-O-V-E Love My Botox!
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Botox
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Prop 8 - The Musical
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: civil rights, gay rights, Proposition 8
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cynical Season?
Every year I get a little more concerned about Christmas. I went to download a Christmas graphic for my cell phone. What I found was pin up girls covered with nothing but a candy cane and other less tasteful choices. I finally found a harmless Thomas Kincade scene and I haven't ventured back since. When I complained to my son, he told me that I am not that norm. That what I found is what Christmas is for most people. Someone please tell me that's not true.
Or is it a sign of the times? Christmas was so magical for me. I don't know that my parents worked that hard at it but it just was. I worked very hard to keep the magic alive for my kids. So much so that the anxiety each year that someone would "spoil" it for them would unnerve me. But today? I constantly hear ads on the radio and television that dash the magic for kids. And maybe a child doesn't see it the way I do. I hold on to that thought.
I'm a Christmas puritan and I love the classics. And as I have begun to bring them out, the message often follows how I feel making me wonder if this is just the Christmas spiritual crisis of my time.
In watching Miracle on 34th Street (the original, of course), Kris Kringle states that convincing Mrs. Walker and Susan that there is a Santa Claus is his last hope to save the spirit of Christmas or he's through. In the end of course, Mrs. Walker tells her daughter that faith is believing when common sense tells you not too. Christmas saved again.
Don't laugh but one of my all time favorites is Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I watched that tonight and and the messages in it are so pure and beautiful. Do you know that some channels now edit out the darling scene where he sings to the children while passing out toys? A negative sign of the times. It's the message at the end that moves me nearly to tears when in the little cartoon they show the cynics stating that Christmas should be outlawed and how can people think of Christmas when there is so much unhappiness in the world. The message then goes on to say that yes, there is unhappiness but if we all were a little more like Santa and gave of our time, gifts and talents then maybe there truly would be peace on earth. I agree.
In this magical time, I am always reminded of just that. If we can all keep the magic going just a little longer. If we could all be as charitable througout the year as we are at Christmas, think of the difference that could make in the world.
And Virgina, let's keep glad the heart of childhood.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Shoe Commercial
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Shoe Commercial
Monday, November 3, 2008
President Barack Obama
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, presidential election, vice presidential campaign
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sorry. I had's too much fun!
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Dancing Candidates, John McCain, Sarah Palin
Monday, October 27, 2008
Not Just for Valentine's Anymore
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Anyone See a Pattern Here?
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: gas prices
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Swarovski Crystal Collectors Wanted!
Every once in awhile, someone crosses your path who just needs a little help. I had the priviledge of meeting a lovely lady this evening who needed just such a thing.
My new dear friend has what I have learned to be an extensive collection of Swarovski Crystal figurines. Upon doing a little research myself, I have learned that her pieces are worth anywhere from $800 to over $4,320 for the piece I show here on my site. Many of these pieces are retired or discontinued and nearly priceless in value.
Her concern is simply to have these pieces land in the hands of someone who collects or will appreciate each piece. She is in her golden years and has no one to leave these pieces to. Living in a rural area, the ability to sell such pieces and obtain their value is nearly impossible and, understandably, she is not willing to ship her pieces away without knowing where they are going or without have a tangible transaction in hand.
She is willing to sell by the piece, collection or series. If you are a collector or know someone who is, please email your information to me at and I will pass it on to my new friend. She will contact you directly.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: collectables, figurines, swarovski crystal
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sarah Palin's Debate Flow Chart
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: debate, flowchart, politics, Sarah Palin
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Examining Bailouts BEFORE the Bailout
"After the bailout of AIG last month, the United States government effectively bought an 80% share in the company. That should have caused a fundamental change, you would think, in how the company was spending funds on compensation, bonuses and benefits. The committee learned that shortly after the bailout went through, executives from AIG's major U.S. life insurance subsidiary, AIG American General, held a week-long conference at an exclusive resort in California.
The resort is called the St. Regis Monarch Beach. ... It's very impressive. This is an exclusive resort. The rooms start, gentlemen, at $425 a night. Some are more than $1,200 a night.
... We contacted the resort where AIG held this week-long event, and we requested copies of AIG's bills. We learned that AIG spent nearly $500,000 in a single week at the -- at this hotel. Now, this was right after the bailout.
... Let me describe some of the -- the charges that -- that the shareholders who are now U.S. taxpayers had to pay. Check this out.
AIG spent $200,000 for hotel rooms, and almost $150,000 for catered banquets. AIG spent -- listen to this one -- $23,000 at the hotel spa and another $1,400 at the salon. They were getting their manicures, their facials, their pedicures and their massages while the American people were -- were footing the bill.
And they spent another $10,000 for -- I don't know what this is -- leisure dining."
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
And Pittsburgh!
How 'bout those Steelers! Once again with an amazing game that went to the wire, my Steelers have pulled out yet another win despite being riddled with injuries. I am a firm believer that as Ben goes, so go my Steelers. When Big Ben pulls the numbers, this team seems unstoppable. One thing that I did notice tonight however was the absurd amount of taunting calls.
Well two but the two that their were seemed ridiculous. If you recall, several years ago they started calling the NFL the NO FUN LEAGUE. I think they are almost on the brink of that one again. The original no fun league started when celebrating in the end zone and "sack dances" became a so called problem. No fun was longer allowed in the end zone and then the league seemed to lighten up on that a little.
Tonight a Jag got called for a 15 yard taunting penalty for saying something over a Steeler receiver after making the catch. Good for us but I had a hard time imagining what could have been said in the NFL that would warrant a penalty like that. Trash talking goes to the extreme but I didn't see the point for the call. Later in the same game, Nate Washington got called for taunting when after making a catch on the Jag sideline, showed the ball to the Jags and went about his way. Again....15 yards.
Hmmmm....Now in a game where you get penalized 15 yards for grabbing some poor sucker by the face mask and yanking his head around 90 degrees I guess I feel like talking a little smack might not warrant the same punishment. Maybe making the crime fit the punishment seems a little more appropriate. Call his mother. Make him serve in a soup kitchen or maybe make the offender take a grammar class or a lesson in charm school but I'm thinking a 15 yard penalty puts the NFL at risk of once again becoming the No Fun League.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers, taunting
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I Can't Take It....
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Biden, debate, election, vice presidential campaign
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I Have a Noise Pollution Solution
SoniScape functions similar to "white noise" generators or "noise-canceling" devices. However, SoniScape works more effectively, is enjoyable to listen to and is much more affordable. And, since it comes on a CD or MP3 you can take it anywhere.
SoniScape sounds great but it is not just another pretty sounding nature CD. SoniScape is engineered with a unique “Sound Wall” track, which is comprised of multiple tuned layers of natural sounds. This allows SoniScape to cover the entire audible frequency range, from the lowest thumping bass to the highest screaching car alarm, and serve as a total sound mask to not allow other disruptive sounds to pass through; providing you with a serene, natural background. It also works the other way around, if you are in an environment/profession where your conversations need to be kept private, SoniScape can help protect your secrets from curious ears."
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: nature sounds, noise pollution, noise reduction
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Starting Over...Again
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Happiness, Starting Over
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Housing Tax Credit Beckons New Buyers
By Kenneth R. HarneyWashington Post
Article Launched: 08/03/2008 01:36:37 AM PDT
WASHINGTON - Anybody who has been sitting on the sidelines hesitant to jump into real estate until conditions settle down should know these dates: April 9, 2008, through June 30, 2009.
They mark the eligibility time span to qualify for the home purchase tax credit created by the massive housing bill approved by Congress. If you have not owned a house during the past three years - or are considering buying your first home - and can go to closing before the end of next June, you may be eligible for up to a $7,500 credit against your federal taxes for 2008 or 2009 ($3,750 if you file taxes as a single person).
The new credit is expected to benefit hundreds of thousands of buyers, although Congress set no limit on how many people can qualify. Here's a quick overview.
• The basic idea: To jump-start housing sales and clear out local unsold real estate inventories, Congress is offering tax credits to pull in new purchasers. Buy any house - new, old, any location or condition, any price range within the designated time period - and the IRS will cut up to $7,500 off your tax bill for either this year or next. For example, if you're an eligible buyer of a home this year and you owe the IRS $4,000 on your total 2008 income tax bill, your $7,500 tax credit could wipe out everything you owe plus get you a $3,500 refund.
• Eligibility rules: Do you own a home now? If so, you're not eligible for the credit.
Did you sell your home more than three years ago and now rent? You are eligible. The same is true if you've never owned a home before. Close on a house before next June 30, and you can claim a credit of up to 10 percent of the purchase price of the property up to a maximum of $7,500. If your adjusted gross income exceeds $150,000 ($75,000 for singles), the credit maximum begins to phase down in increments. You cannot claim the credit if you are a non-resident alien, financed the property using a state or local housing agency tax-exempt bond mortgage, or do not plan to use the house as your principal residence.
• Payback: Unlike some past tax credit programs, this one requires beneficiaries to repay the credit over an extended period of years. Starting in the second tax year after purchase and continuing for up to 15 years, taxpayers are expected to make pro-rata repayments to the government on their federal filings. Over a 15-year payback period for the full $7,500 credit, the cost would be $500 a year. If you sell the house before the end of the repayment period, and you have no gain on the sale, you won't be expected to pay the credit back from the proceeds. If you have a net gain, the "recapture" cannot exceed the amount of your gain.
Basically, the new tax credit functions very much like an interest-free loan for up to $7,500.
Rob Dietz, an economist for the National Association of Home Builders, says the new credit not only will pull first-time buyers into the market, but also will have a powerful "multiplier effect" as thousands of sellers of these credit-assisted houses go out and purchase replacement homes for themselves.
How do you claim the credit? If you pass the eligibility tests and buy before June 30, you simply request the credit on your tax return for either 2008 or 2009, which will be modified for that purpose. Even if you purchase in 2009, you can take the credit against your 2008 taxes by filing an amended return. For more information, go to
Contact Ken Harney at
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: first time home buyers, housing crunch, tax credit
Monday, July 28, 2008
Home Buying Assistance
· Nancy Pelosi: Regretted that seller funded down payment was not in this bill but would support new legislation to include it.
· Maxine Waters (Congress woman from California) : Applauded the Fannie and Freddie Bailouts and said, "We did not get the Seller Funded DPA program but my Subcommittee on Housing will start immediately to work on this legislation that we can come back in a few months with a stand alone piece of legislation to do what needs to be done. This is an important Program. This program has helped over 730,000 homeowners between 2000-2007. It is extremely important to helping those who can afford to pay the mortgage every month that cannot afford the down payment to get into the home. It works! it works well and it needs to be understood. We need to put in the Law and do it correctly!
· Barney Franks Committee Chairman (who issued the compromise to get downpayment assistance removed from HR 3221): Immediately followed Maxine and said, "We were able to postpone the deadline for DPA until Oct. 1, there was also an issue on Risk Based Pricing. I believe we will have both of those resolved in a more flexible way before Oct. 1st so that Seller Financing and risk based pricing appropriately done will not go out of existence".
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: down payment assistance programs, mortgage loans, mortgages
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I Just Don't Get It
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, politics
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
SALEM, ORE., 7 JULY 2008 – An Oregon-based guitar company has hit the market with the world’s first production aluminum archtop guitar. Introduced just last month in Nashville, Normandy Guitars instantly gained international acclaim and captured best of show honors at NAMM, the largest music trade show in the world.
Much like the transition from wood to metal in the tennis industry, the buzz in the music industry is that this could be the advent of a new era in the guitar market. “Our response at this show was phenomenal,” said Jim Normandy, CEO of Normandy Guitars. “The guitar’s distinctive craftsmanship and design gained recognition from artists, manufacturers and media. The world does not need another Stratocaster copy,’” said Normandy.
Macsimum News presented the “Best of Show” honors for Summer NAMM 2008, where they recognized the ATG-SB Aluminum-Body Guitar by Normandy Guitars as one of the hottest products at the show, “…seek out what you want and hold on to your strap when you hear the monster tone of Normandy Guitars,” they say. “Turn heads with your sound, but cause whiplash with a Normandy.”
The Normandy guitar is made out of specially selected aluminum, resulting in sustain qualities that are better and have been touted as far superior to the traditional wooden-bodied guitars. “The purity and length of time a single, plucked note can ring out clean and true are far superior... this is important to guitar players, especially those who play lead guitar,” says Normandy. “A
headlining act at one of the NAMM after-show concerts loved our guitar. They played the Normandy throughout their entire performance!”
The guitar features a body with classic archtop curves, a vintage Bigsby®-vibrato tailpiece and distinctive rivets on the front and back. The Normandy guitar is available in nine colors and three different finishes: chrome, several powder-coated colors and Candy Apple Metal Flake finishes. The chrome finish is triple electroplated. In that process, the body is initially buffed, electrically charged in a hot bath with Zincate, then dipped in copper, covered with nickel and completed with a flashy chrome finish.
For more information on Normandy Guitars, visit,, or call Jim Normandy at 503.689.1998.
About Normandy Guitars
The Normandy guitar is the world’s first production aluminum archtop. The American-made guitars are manufactured and hand-riveted in Salem, Oregon. Known for their sustain qualities and warm tones, these lightweight aluminum electric guitars are an instant classic. They are now available in nine colors and three different and unique finishes: chrome, several powder-coated colors and candy apple metal flake finishes. For more information or to order, visit or call 503.689.1998.
# # #
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Early Death Comes from Distilled Water
During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like
fried foods
soft drinks
processed foods
white flour products
dairy products
Airola, P. 1974. How To Get Well. Phoenix, AZ: Health Plus Publishers.Baroody, Dr. Theodore A. Jr. Alkalinize or Die. California:Portal Books, 1995.Haas, Elson M. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. The Complete Guide to Diet & Nutritional Medicine. Berkeley, California:Celestial Arts, 1992; p. 22.Rona, Zoltan P. and Martin, Jeanne Marie. Return to the Joy of Health, Vancouver: Alive Books, 1995.Rona, Zoltan P. Childhood Illness and The Allergy Connection. Rocklin, California:Prima Books, 1996.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
I just had a conversation tonight regarding gas prices. My mentor mentioned that he and his wife just returned from a month in Europe. They said that when they returned to the US they could feel the tension with the economy being what it is and fuel prices skyrocketing out of this world. He also delivered some grim news. He said, in his opinion, this is no where near the top. He feels that gas prices will not stop rising until they hit around $6.50 per gallon. In Europe they toured one of the richest oil countries around and they were paying $10 per gallon. And this is a country that produces it's own fuel.
Pretty grim. So it's no longer a situation about where the prices will stop, but rather what are you going to do to improve your income $400-$450 a month so that you can manage it. What are you going to do to manage it? Mmmmm.....good question.
One solution. Invest in your own home based business. Sleep deprivation is a huge issue in society. So most likely if you are like most American's taking a second or in some cases a third job may seem overwhelming. Looking at what fits into your life at the moment seems logical and most of us talk, right? We talk at work. We talk to our friends and we talk to our family. Well, why not talk to them about something that could be beneficial for everyone. And while your at it, why not talk about NIKKEN.
What astounded me when I got involved with NIKKEN and I started talking about it, I haven't had one person tell me a single negative thing about the company. The 33 year established business has such a well earned reputation that maybe not everyone wants to be a business builder with you, but they will be pleased with the products. Seems people I talk to have a) not heard of it before or b) oh yeah, their mom has used it and loves it or something similar.
It's time to look at home based businesses as a serious means of supplemental income. Rising costs of fuel and groceries will not go down soon. Therefore, it is imperative that we find additional means of bridging the gap. What are you going to do the make up the financial difference of $450 a month? What if it could be even more?
In network marketing, you definitely reap what you sow. You get out of it what you want to put into it and if you want to do it part time or full time, you can't go wrong as long as you move forward.
Personally, I'm looking for business builders. However many hours you can contribute, I want you on my team. I want to build you up, because that is how you win at this game, by helping others and I want us both to benefit from the knowledge of an amazing upline and sidelines to make a difference not only in our financial well being but in our health as well. More and more we hear about stress effecting our health and how it is a leader in health issues in this country. Give me a call or drop me an e if you are looking for a way out of financial worries and way in to a healthier more financially stable life. I'm standing by. or 541.786.1613.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: economy, Finances, fuel costs, Home Based Business, NIKKEN
Friday, June 20, 2008
Shannon Miller Joins NIKKEN
From the Heleman Group:
Shannon Miller a 7 time Olympic Medalist and 9 time World Medalist remains The Most Decorated American Gymnast, male or female, in history, having won more Olympic and World Championship Medals than any other US gymnast.
Shannon has a BBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship and a law degree from Boston College. She now spends her time as a highly sought after motivational speaker, television host, author, sports broadcaster and clinician.
Shannon hosts Gymnastics 360°, founded the Shannon Miller Foundation to fight childhood obesity and Co-Chair's the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness in Florida.
Accomplishments and awards from her sport only begin to tell the story of this remarkable young woman. She has overcome many obstacles to achieve greatness; a true testimonial to all those who have a dream and work hard to achieve it.
Doug Braun shared the following:
As far as her being the most decorated American gymnast and all the medals that she has won; she has been abducted into six Halls of Fame and will be inducted into the International Women's Sports Hall of Fame on June 9,2008.
She is the only woman in any sport to be inducted into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame twice; once as an individual and second for being part of the Olympic teams. So she is a very dynamic woman. We look forward to her participation with Nikken and her participation in this launch event.
I mentioned that there is a product associated with this and Shannon is going to lend her endorsement to the Nikken products. It will be primarily towards one product, which is a new sport bracelet. Her tie into this sport bracelet is very similar to what we're doing with the current green sport bracelet and our donation to Autism Speaks.
This new sport bracelet will not replace Autism Speaks - this bracelet will continue. The new bracelet is a new color and upgraded design. You are going to love it.
This new bracelet is going to be tied into the Shannon Miller Foundation. With the purchase of every bracelet, we will be making a donation to the Shannon Miller Foundation, which is setup to fight childhood obesity.
In addition to Shannon using our products, endorsing our products; she has a philosophy in her life and how she works that is very similar to Nikken. We will be supporting the Shannon Miller Foundation and her fight against childhood obesity. This bracelet will participate in a major way in that effort.
The timing of this is perfect because as I mentioned Shannon is going to be inducted in to the Woman's Sports Hall of Fame on June 9th.
June 19th - 21st are the US Olympic gymnastic trials, which Shannon will be participating in at many different levels. There is going to be lots of Press around this.
Shannon will be participating in the trials so there's probably going to be some media around that. She is already wearing our new bracelet!
We have the Olympics coming up in August. This is an opportunity to create an awful lot of excitement around Shannon and huge excitement around Nikken and our new bracelet. It's going to be a Go for the Gold type bracelet!
We're going to be able to make a lot of noise come here in June!
*Bloggers Note: Along with Shannon Miller comes a new product! Our new Tri Phase Bracelet is now available and part of the proceeds go the Shannon Miller Foundation to bring awareness to childhood obesity. For more information on how you can get one, email me at
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: NIKKEN, Shannon Miller, Shannon Miller Foundation, Tri Phase Bracelet
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Note From the OBAMA Campaign
I want to add a little context to the video message you received earlier announcing that we will not participate in the public financing system for the general election.
Even though we stood to receive more than $80 million in taxpayer funding for our campaign, the system has been so gamed and exploited by our opponents that it is effectively broken.
John McCain, the Republican National Committee, and their allies in so-called 527 groups that raise and spend unlimited contributions are dedicated to manipulating this broken system to raise as much money as possible -- and they've proven that they're very good at it.
A top McCain adviser told MSNBC earlier this month, "now that we're in the general election, the RNC money counts, the DNC money counts. So the truth is today, John McCain has more cash on hand and more money than Barack Obama does."
To compete, Barack has put his faith in ordinary people giving only what they can afford. That's been the strategy of this campaign from the beginning, and more than 1,500,000 supporters like you have gotten us this far.
We have a historic opportunity to prove that a movement of ordinary people has the power to change the way political campaigns are funded. And we have a clear goal as we begin this new challenge: 50,000 people declaring their independence by making a donation before July 4th.
You can help take on John McCain and the RNC by making your first donation today.
A previous donor is standing by to match your gift and double your impact. You can even exchange a personal note with them about why you've chosen to support Barack.
Declare your independence from our broken system. Make a matching donation today:
Opting out of public matching funds was an extremely difficult decision, and frankly we are at a disadvantage when it comes to raising money. Unlike John McCain, this campaign has never accepted donations from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs.
While McCain has built his fundraising strategy around high-dollar donors giving huge checks to the RNC, you are creating a new model for publicly financed campaigns.
Thank you for your support and for taking on the masters of a broken system,
David PlouffeCampaign ManagerObama for America
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama
Monday, June 16, 2008
Guitar Company Creates First PRODUCTION Aluminum ArchTop
SALEM, ORE., 12 JUNE 2008 – An Oregon-based guitar company has hit the market with the world’s first production aluminum archtop guitar. Normandy Guitars of Salem, Oregon has officially introduced a lightweight aluminum model that is unlike any other guitar on the market.
“I started making aluminum basses 15 years ago and it’s evolved into this incredible product. Our final model is the result of 15 different prototypes we’ve developed over the past five years,” says Jim Normandy, the creative mind and CEO behind Normandy Guitars. “Our goal all along has been to be different but not too weird or ‘space age’… to offer the guitar world something new and modern but with classic sound: an affordable but "top of the line," high-end masterpiece. I think we've met those goals tenfold; the feedback I'm getting from all types of musicians is overwhelmingly positive.”
The Normandy guitar is made out of specially selected aluminum, resulting in sustain qualities that are better and have been touted as far superior to the traditional wooden bodied guitars. “The purity and length of time a single, plucked note can ring out clean and true are far superior... this is important to most guitar players, especially those who play lead guitar,” says Normandy.
The guitar features a body with classic archtop curves, a vintage Bigsby®-vibrato tailpiece and distinctive rivets on the front and back. The Normandy guitar is available in nine colors and three different finishes: chrome, powder coat and Candy Apple Metal Flake finish. The chrome finish is triple electroplated. In that process, the body is initially buffed, electrically charged in a hot bath with Zincate, then dipped in copper, covered with nickel and completed with a flashy chrome finish.
Normandy has created a killer guitar that also is affordable. “Through the development of our welding processes and riveting, and because of our large manufacturing plant, we are able to make the body in a fraction of the time it takes other folks to create theirs. So, our price point is considerably less than what you’d pay for other guitars, somewhere between $2,000 and $3,000,” says Normandy.
Those attending the NAMM show on June 20-22 in Nashville, Tennessee will get the first peek at the Normandy guitar. Normandy Guitars will have a booth at the event, showcasing their revolutionary product. The NAMM show is the world’s largest music trade show; it is held this summer at the Nashville Convention Center. Follow Normandy’s journey to Nashville on For more information or to order, call 503.689.1998.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: aluminum arch top, guitars, music, Normandy
Saturday, June 14, 2008
RIP Tim Russert
I didn't used to be into politics like I am now. I never really understood how it all worked. Until this guy started coming on the Today Show and was ever present at the 2000 elections with that darn dry erase board and it all started to come together. I began to understand what was going on, what mattered, what didn't and how my vote mattered or didn't. Then I began to watch this show called Meet the Press. Yeah, the very show that used to make me roll my eyes as a kid when my parents watched it. I thought it was the most boring thing you could watch but in the past several years, it had become a must see in my household. It made sense. Those who were unclear were asked to justify and those who lied were called to the carpet. Yes, there was a little justice in politics after all. And now, it's over. The nation lost one of the good guys out there. Someone who didn't write tell all books or even share his own views an not once did his own agenda come in to place. He just did what he could to make clear and very cloudy political world to so many of us out here. And dare I say I feel as if I have lost a teacher. Like the one math teacher you had who made it all make sense. No, political journalism will never be the same. Any one who has to take that place will be a mere shadow of the man who reined at the Bureau.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Tim Russert
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Shorter Version-Take Ten You'll Never Regret
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Inspiration, living, Randy Pausch
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Professor Randy Pausch's Last Lecture - Don't Miss
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: life, living, Randy Pausch
Monday, June 9, 2008
Barack on the Economy
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, politics, the election
Road Etiquette
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: driving, politeness, road etiquette
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Crunchie Stretches
If you own an athletic horse, chances are you've heard of "carrot stretches". As the photo here from Today's Horse demonstrates, carrot stretches are great way to keep your horse limber and eliminate the risk of some injuries.
I have an 11 year old thoroughbred off the track or should I say that she has me. I have finished her for polo with the help of many friends. After an injury I kept her supple over the winter with these stretches. Well today I found something better.
Though she loves her carrots, today I did her stretches with a Canter Crunchie and saw amazing results. She loves these treats. I took one treat and broke a piece off of it and flexed her to the left then the right. Then she got her reward. Then I took another piece and did it again. I took the final piece and put it to her chest and not only did she flex low but backed and backed which will help strengthen her hind quarters.
Check out Today's Horse for specific instructions to these stretches but call me today to order your Canter Crunchies. Just $13 and the profits go to help send my son to Santa Barbara with his interscholastic polo team in the spring of 2009. Lines are open and standing by! 541.786.1613
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: horse stretches, horse treats, horses
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Change, World Politics
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Change, civil rights, Equality
Monday, June 2, 2008
My Truck
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: kinship, rural life, trucks