The LA Times might be ready. Or at least out of the starting gate according to blogger David J and his blog About Results Marketing. In this blog, David talks about a presentation he recently attended where the conversation led to the potential of mashing and the ability to track data effectively. The conversation eventually led to the evolution of social media. David J asked the question if this would eventually lead to more bias in the media. On the contrary, I feel that it will lead to the ability to find the REAL story. I think we are already seeing some of this in online newspapers where public comment is allowed. I have had the unfortunate personal experience of losing a family member in Alaska. The comments in the enews there paint a picture of the man accused with a hauting background and the testimonial that this is not the first time he has behaved in the manner. Will that be admissable in court? That remains to be seen. I also know of another situation in the Pacific NW where two dear who had been raised in captivity were taken from their home by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The public outrage that ensued on the local news channels blog held the fish and wildlife department accountable for the actions and the public demanded explanation. I know, only in Oregon. But my point is, social media is already taking effect. People are getting say through the internet and they are not afraid to do it. And as far as bias goes, the media is already doing that on their own whether we want to admit it or not. Fox News has already been labeled conservative and CNN is the more liberal station for information. As anyone who has lived through a crisis situation. They will either tell you the media played it up too big or didn't get even close to the full picture. I am in favor of social media in MODERATION due to the fact that is may paint all sides of the picture. It's up to the media companies to maintain factual accuracy but lets let those in the trenches tell the story. Thanks David J for such a well written article. 

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