Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I wish each and every one of you a blessed Thanksgiving that contains full tummies and laughter around the table with friends and family. Thanksgiving is, by far, my favorite holiday of all. And now that the weather finally feels like November here, I am into the spirit full swing. Thanksgiving to me is Christmas without the stress. Without the emphasis on gifts and more on being together and being GRATEFUL! It's my big time of year to shine. Thanksgiving dinner is on me complete with huge turkey and all the traditional trimmings. Not normally an entertainer, it's my time to shine. Now that my kids are older, they are in the act too. They help me cook which starts on Tuesday. Before we eat, I ask everyone to state what they are thankful for. Sometimes the answers are interesting. But it's alway good to call to mind what it means to you. I have learned that I am all about anticipation. Thursday is my favorite day of the week and Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. I still have the magic of Christmas to look forward to. I remember one day, on a gloomy (just the way I love it) November day, I was looking out my window and I saw my neighbors loading up in their car to head home to family for Thanksgiving. And I remember feeling this warm glow and know that that is what the holiday season is all about. My daughter will be home tomorrow and I am going to take some time off. So until this Thanksgiving is past, I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take moment to give thanks. It's so important. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

cotojo said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

When you are here there is an award for you at:

Take care,