Monday, April 30, 2007

The Last Day of the Month

Good morning faithful and new readers. Its the last day of the month. I love the last day of the month because it's INVOICE DAY! Time to send out those statements which show how hard your worked during the month. There is something definately satisfying about that. But it also means that I don't really want to rack up any hours today. Therefore I am free to work on things like newsletters, USANA, bookkeeping and things that I am not able to get to in a tightly scheduled hourly basis work day. It gives me time to look over all the projects I currently have going on and give them a mental over view as to what I have accomplished and new avenues for their future success. Its important to take that time to review. To gain direction. To know how to progress in a way that will productive of your time and fruitful for your business. So enjoy today, my friends. Whether you are scrambling to finish projects or if you get a day of reflection, enjoy. A new month awaits!

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