I'm back! With a full mind and tired soul. I just returned from my convention on Rural Business and how to cope in that environment. It went very well. The topic of my company was Big Time PR for Small Communities. Wonderful! We met so many great people that need or do not know how to market their own businesses. How to promote and network in a fashion that leads to new business and PR to get word out about who they are and what they do. We were able to help so many people and get word out about how to help. As I have mentioned, I do freelance for PR for The Latimer Group. I am fortunate through The Latimer Group team to have a core network of talented marketers that compliment each other and can support one another for the benefit of a client or company. I was honored to represent this company at this convention. And this week will be a very busy week contacting those we met and setting up proposals on how to best support these businesses.
In looking at my poll results, I am curious as to those results. Or lack of participation. Is there a certain amount of apathy in the advertisment industry? Do people not know the best way to advertise their businesses? Or possibly advertisement is not the way businesses are getting word out these days. In the amount you can invest in advertising, you can easily hire a publicist that can get word out about who you are or your event. Often, the clients I have through my private business as well as The Latimer Group, the cost of a monthly retainer can bring in placements that can equal $5,000 to $10,000 worth of advertising. Don't get me wrong. Advertising has it 's place and my business has certainly benfitted from well placed advertisings. But, if that is not doing the trick for you, you're not sure where to place advertising or just wish the media would throw some love you way, why not give a publicist a chance. You might be suprised at the benefits of a publicity company. Please visit The Latimer Group or About Time Internet Marketing, LLC. We look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:
It's probably that the people who read your blog are very small mom & pop businesses with shoestring to no budget. Also, PR is not really understood by small businesses & truth be known, PR has a lousy rep in general, equivalent to used car salesmen. A PR acquaintance of mine recently left the biz as she was tired of beating her head against the wall with small biz clients. The mindset she encountered was that small biz owners didn't understand how they needed to get out of their comfort zone to get "buzz" for their business. Their thinking remained "small" and that's why they'll always remain "small business." As there's risk and long-commitment involved, to most small business owners, they would rather deal with advertising, which seems safer and more reliable. Not really true, as you well know, but unfortunately, even if advertising isn't getting the results they want, owners still feel more in control. So educating small business owners about PR, the process, being upfront about the risks and how you can help minimize them, and how/why PR can achieve better results than advertising could help reach these prospects.
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