Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Where Is Advertising Going?

Research I have compiled recently suggests that advertising is beginning to change. In this internet age, newspaper advertising is expected to drop sharply and mailers will become obsolete by the year 2008. Radio listeners are spending the money NOT to hear advertising with satalite feeds. So what will take it's place? You are looking at it. Internet, blogging and b2b companies with know how and expertise in this field will run the advertising market. We are already beginning to see it and the results that it brings. Aside from my company, I am a marketer for hire working free lance for a larger statewide company. To this business I bring internet and blogging work that is virtually new in my area. If you currently own a business this is something you must get on board with now or risk playing catch up down the road. This is where we internet marketers come in. Educating the public that this is where they need to be heading. The pitch? Simple. Business owners do not have the time to sit on the net. But they need to be there or risk being left behind. HIRE-IT- DONE! If you are here, you already know this. Now, go forth and let the public know.

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