Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My Amazing Son
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: hooping, hula hoops, Inspiration, motivation, talent
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Fairness in the Work Place
For example, if an employer goes to hug and employee and said employee makes the comment she is hot and sweaty and the employer says “that’s just the way I like you”, it’s not appropriate. Or does the shoulder hug alone comprise the sexual harassment statute?
What about fair treatment for all employees? If there is no rule in place regarding say, hair color, tattoos or piercings, and one or more employees have them without incident and one comes in with a red streak in his hair and is singled out and forced to be taken off the floor for not complying to a rule that was never there in the first place without justification or explanation, is that worthy of a complaint?
What about a potentially dangerous situation when a drug influenced patron walks in and makes the staff uncomfortable. The lead employee refuses further service and the employee is reprimanded for poor customer service and the patron is invited back with a gift certificate?
Or what if an employee overlooks a duty and the employer helps themselves to the employee’s tip jar as a punishment for the oversight without asking?
And what if the employee takes a minority employee and pushes them with duties that no one can do in the allotted time and for such little pay and then tells them this is a good job for them, they are lucky to have it?
These are examples I have seen in the work place and in thinking about it, have gone to the Bureau of Labor and Industry for my state. There is a complaint system in place but, as I’m sure it is in most states, is extensive. That’s good in some ways. Otherwise, everyone would be bitching about every little nuance in the work place whether it’s merited or not. But when you are looking at having to file the complaint and then be confronted with the person you are filing against, it can be a frightening and daunting experience most likely leaving most employees to just quit and leave the offending boss to keep up his ways.
So how do we make these offending bosses responsible for their actions? What is the recourse of action that can be taken or is there one? Quit. For sure if you are financially able, but then without bringing the employer to the table on his actions, it only continues for the next one. In the past I have found myself saying as I’m sure others before me did, “well, someone is going to make him accountable….it just can’t be me”. Then what?
I think it takes standing up to the boss in the situation and letting him know your boundaries. The problem with that is risk losing your job. If you are in the mode to file a complaint, then your job is most likely over. Is there financial compensation for doing such a thing knowing that your employment at the establishment is through? And is there a way to find out if the employer has done the same thing in other establishments in the past? I am truly asking to find answers. I know a great deal of people who can benefit from this information. Have you run across this in your work space and what solutions did you come up with? Was your offender brought to justice? If so how? I wish this were one of my blogs where I gave insightful solutions and go get ‘em pep talks but I am truly at a loss on how to advise here. Always your comments are welcome but particularly here. In a day where most are lucky to find themselves, employed, how do you handle strife in the work place?
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: sexual harassment, unethical work practices, unfairness in the work place
Monday, June 28, 2010
Single Brown Female Seeks Adult
Now you see why I don’t date. Seriously? Okay fellas. Don’t ask us that. You will force us to lie or be unnecessarily mean. That’s like asking us if these jeans make us look fat. We just want to appreciate the moment and savor the memory or, in some cases, look forward to more.
I, for one, am ready to put away little boy’s games. I don’t want to kiss and tell and I don’t my kissers to either. I want a gentleman to pursue me. To take the time to learn about me. Here’s another example. The reverse stalker. I have an older man very interested in taking me out. We did have a cocktail together. He was way to needy and way too aggressive. Though I politely explained that I am not able to provide him with all he needs at this time, he continues to call and text. I don’t respond as to not encourage. He doesn’t need me to. They keep coming. The thing is, I am 99% sure he hasn’t done one thing to learn anything about me except we are possibly the only two single people in my rural town who haven’t dated each other yet.
I love the notion of dating. Of lying awake at night not being able to stop thinking about someone. To look forward to the next time together and yet not letting it consume you. To find someone happy in life to share with is not easy. I’m told its harder the older we get. Maybe I’m too old fashioned for my time. But I want someone to want to know about me. I want to know about him. I want us to share things but be happy with who we are in our own lives. And most important is someone who lets you be you. Does it exist? A flower at my door. A note on my car. A dinner and a peck on the cheek at the end of the night. Maturity without infirmary. Playfulness without games. Chemistry. Doesn’t sound that hard does it? And yet its darn near impossible. Dating. Is it a lost term in today’s high speed world? It seems we can’t get “there” fast enough. Happily Single Brown Female Might Some Day Be Interested In Someone Just to Share the Ride. Think it will happen?
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Dear CBS....
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: CBS The Early Show, Fire eating, fire tricks, Josh Barber
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Stupid Stunts or Responsible Tutorial?
Talk about being lumped into the same category! So my son is experiencing 15 minutes of fame once again this week. This news coming to us via his You Tube account where several people told him one of his fire tutorials had been featured on CBS The Early Show. Sure enough. Our excitement was soon diminished slightly when we saw the clip and how it was labeled Stupid Stunts.
As you see, the clip shows various “hey dude…watch this” type of stunts. Then the segment takes you to my son’s tutorial where it is determined my son is teaching children how to swallow fire. Um no. Oh, where to begin.
First of all…my son spends a great deal of time in his tutorial discussing safety. My son is currently 18 years old and began this hobby at 17 with my supervision. In fact, the boy made me sit down and watch his safety video so that I would know what to do in the event he had an accident. Anyone one who wants to learn from my son must first hear about safety just as my son did with his fire mentors.
Second. Would you like to know where I was when my son shot this video? On the other side of that wall in my house where I could hear everything and was on hand should a problem arise. Where were those children’s parents when they were making their vinegar and baking soda concoction? Or when they were car surfing?
There is a vast difference in the style of these You Tube clips that were presented in this segment. A difference in safety, age and supervision. I agree that there is a danger in children emulating what they see on You Tube that could be dangerous. But how is it different then what they see on television on a daily basis or at the theater? Again, discussions should begin at home and if your child is of appropriate age and wants to experiment in a hobby that can be construed as dangerous, do your homework and learn the safety issues that are involved and by all means, SUPERVISE!
As a mother of a child with a diverse hobby, every fiber in my body wanted to send him to his room and tell him to put the flame out. I spent the first 17 years of his life teaching him NOT to play with fire. He had to convince me that his practice was safe and always supervised by myself or someone else he is close to with a fire blanket at hand.
I’m not angry for CBS for using my son’s tutorial for this segment. In fact, I thank them for drawing attention to a responsible young man who has learned and teaches others safety in his craft. His You Tube hits have gone through the roof! But what I would like to have seen is the use of this video as an example different from those he was compared to. And example of responsibility and safety. CBS, if you are reading this, we are trying to contact you about safety on You Tube. Let us know if you are interested in a rebuttal.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: CBS The Early Show, fire tricks, fire tutorial, Josh Barber, You Tube
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Paralyzed and Pregnant - What We Take For Granted
Awhile back, maybe even a year ago, I watched a show called Paralyzed and Pregnant. It was a moving documentary about Michelle, woman who in her early 20's dove off a dock and broke her neck, leaving her a quadrapalegic. That alone is hard to think about. But she went on to fall in love, marry and give birth to her son, Pierce. Part Two of the story goes on to tell how the birth of their son along with the pressures of her medical issues were too much for the young marriage to last and the couple divorced. The last update I saw was Pierce's 4th birthday party where Mom Michelle had apparently gone all out with blow up jumpy toys in the yard to a whole host of guests which included children and adults alike. Now here is where it got me. She says how much help it required to do this. And how while everyone was outside playing with her son; running and jumping, she watched through a window inside.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: children, gratitude., paralyzed and pregnant
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Welcome Baby Andre'
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cody Marsing, Mother's Day Baby
Monday, April 12, 2010
How Do You Say Good-Bye
Saying good bye to our four legged friends is beyond hard. It’s almost impossible. Most of my friends will tell you they prefer the company of their animals over most people. Present company included. So how do we get through this unimaginable task. Maybe I can help.
The law allows us to give this gift to our fur friends. Where euthanization is not acceptable for humans yet, it’s a gift we can give to our pets. They don’t have to suffer. We sadly watch the humans in our life struggle with no quality of life but we can assist our friends into the next step. But how.
When it’s time, try to have the vet come to your home. Most animals hate to go to the vet and they will be far more comfortable if they can be in their familiar surroundings. And for you, Mom? You don’t have to be alone. Call on your friends to be there with you. And if you can’t be there for the moment, it’s okay. Give yourself a break. But if at all possible, arrange with your vet to have this done where your pet can be most at ease.
Let your pet know you will be okay. The majority of time, animals will cross over without difficulty. But an animal may have a harder time if they are worried about you. If you can, reassure your pet that you will be alright. Tell her you will miss her but that you will be okay. Give your animal permission to go.
As I mentioned earlier, most animals know there is more than this one life. They don’t have the fear that humans have in crossing over. What your animal wants to know is how is this going to happen. Have a pet communicator or you can try to explain to your pet the steps that will be taken in the process. Like us, they just want to know what to expect. That will take a lot of the fear out of the process for your friend.
I will be assisting my dear friend Sharry in helping her beloved chocolate lab, Avery cross over this afternoon. Not a task that I look forward to, but at times like this, someone else’s pain is much greater than your own. Avery has the mind of a puppy yet but her body is failing her. She needs to go where she can run and play the way her heart and mind still want to. She has a journey to follow. All of our fur friends do.
Much to our sadness, only a small part of their journey is with us. They have greater work to do that goes beyond their time in our homes. They never completely leave us. They remain with us as long as our memories do. And, if it’s in the universe’s plan, they will return to us for another brief moment of love and devotion. And then once again, it is our job to help them move to the next step of their journey. Often we vow, no more. That is all I can take. Until we hear that soft kitten’s meow or look into the mournful eyes of that dog that has chosen us. And…it’s love. Here we go again.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 12:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: animals, crossing over, euthanization, pet communication, pets
Saturday, March 27, 2010
And Oh No You Didn't

Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, GOP, Health Care Reform, ignorance, politics
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Oh Yes He Did!
What an amazing day in America’s history. For the first time in a long time, legislation recognizes the little guy and not big business. Also for the first time in a long time, I am so proud to be a part of this country and this process.
Two years ago I had the privilege of listening to presidential candidate Barack Obama speak here in Eastern Oregon. He spoke of changing health care and giving the opportunity for affordable health care coverage to millions of Americans who are struggling without. He spoke of how he would make discussions viewable to the public by putting it on CSPAN. How he would give everyone in congress the chance to have a say regardless of your party line. I looked at my son as the gymnasium erupted with applause and shrugged, “beautiful thought if he can do it”. Guess what folks. He did it.
Not only did he do it, he did it just how he said he would. Even as I type that I can hardly believe it. In my lifetime, I had yet to witness a true declaration and follow through quite as this one. I think maybe that is why so many on both party lines were shocked at his audacity and conviction in getting health care not only done, but just the way he said he would. Are we truly so jaded that we cannot see that we for once have a leader that has kept good on the promises he made on his campaign platform? I think so. Even I, Mary Poppins that I tend to be, had doubts that it would be as he said.
Barack Obama campaigned on change we could believe in. He promised to pay attention to the little man and do what he could to change outdated policies that no longer were working. He campaigned on a promise of Yes We Can. Oh yes we did.
Through it all the conservatives for big business did all they could but pull knives to get this stopped (and maybe a little of that, too) through lies, tainting, slander and just all around bad behavior that were not factually based. Our President went above and beyond what I felt was reasonable in including all sides in the debate and hearing everyone. He worked tirelessly toward compromise but when it became clear that if our President said the sky was blue the GOP would argue it was grey, that the show must go on with or without bipartisan support. And he did it.
The best part? Unlike politicians of the past, it’s not win at any cost for Obama. He has stated that he would rather be a one term president to do what is right rather than to do what is popular with the GOP. I don’t think this will happen. Especially once people begin to reap the benefit of this bill. But the fact that he’s willing to hang that out there in order to make a difference for the little guy makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Unique? Oh yes, oh yes folks. We have someone who cares. How lucky are we to see this and feel the benefits of this time and to know that our children and grandchildren will not be without health care coverage. This makes a difference not only for me but for my college age children.
Congratulations, Americans. Not just Yes We Can….but Oh Yes We Did! And the best is yet to come.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Health Care Reform, President Obama, Yes We Can
Thursday, March 18, 2010
BMHA Benefit Polo Tournament
Awwww….spring is in the air. And for this little girl, that means one thing. Polo season! In fact, with a few rides under my belt already, the season for me is looking hopeful.
Every year my polo club sponsors at least two tournaments. And every year we talk about how we “shoulda” done a big benefit tournament. We are done talking about it. We actually have the wheels in motion and are doing it! And it’s going to be impressive.
Mark your calendars for August 13-15 for a time you won’t want to miss out on. Starting on Friday August 13, we will have TooBamBoo playing; a beer garden and a salsa cook off. More details on these events are emerging every day so stay tuned. We kick off that night at 5 PM and will go until 8 PM.
Saturday, tournament play begins at 9 AM. So far, I have almost 4 full teams planning to attend and compete. These athletes are coming from Corvallis, Spokane, Northwestern Washington and Boise, Idaho. Noon on this same day will have a celebrity walk/trot match with local celebrities. We have some committed, some declined and some who need to be committed. I’ll have that list for you as time draws closer. Then after our celebs knock it out of the park, we’ll go back to tournament play.
Sunday we will have championship matches and then a parade of hats! Keep those derby hats out, Ladies after the derby. We have some great prizes starting with a $99 pearl and silver necklace from La Grande Gold and Silver. We also have a $25 gift certificate and gift basket from Cat’s Meow compliments of Erin Wylam. From Grande Ronde Med Spa we have a $50 gift certificate. So Ladies, it’s well worth it to come out and strut your stuff! This will be followed by more tournament play and our awards ceremony at 4 PM.
Admission to this event is $10 per car, a bag of dog food, cat food or a bag of cat litter. Vendors will be on hand including Joe and Sugars with healthy breakfast and lunch entrée’s so plan on spending the day. The La Grande Philly kids will be there and we are currently talking to some wonderful art and wine vendors as well. There will be games for the kids and a chance to win a bottle of soda from Pepsi, divot stomps, booths and of course, exciting polo action right here in Union County.
We still need sponsors for this event. Your tax deductable contribution will go a long way to cover expenses and put money in the pocket of the Blue Mountain Humane Society. Your dollars stay right here and benefit Union County. If you want more information on how you can be a part of this great event, please call Christy at 541.786.1613 and visit Every little bit helps. See you at the polo match!
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: animal shelter, benefits, charity, la grande polo benefit, la grande polo club, polo, sports
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Diary of a Mad Brown Waitress

On a final note, I enjoy the majority of my tables. If you have had a bad day, I want to make it just a little better. These are just some recommendations that I see day to day that helps you and helps me to help you to best of my ability.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: courtesy, politeness, restaurant, server, waitressing
Sunday, January 31, 2010
How Does Your Mama Take Her Coffee?

The other morning while I was getting my first cup of coffee ready, I thought of my mom. I don’t know why. I put the non fat milk in my cup and took an eager sip and immediately shuddered from the bitterness. After I added my non calorie sweetener to my cup and relaxed into it, I remembered how my mother would drink her percolated coffee black. And rarely would she take a moment to enjoy it.
I smiled as I thought of terms I had heard that described her. “Salt of the Earth”, was one term that her former boss used to describe her and a statement he still makes to me whenever I see him.
Born in the late 1920’s she grew up in he days of the Great Depression. I didn’t know much about her and how she grew up. I know, as many like her, she never really got over those days of the Depression. It was not uncommon for her to cut paper napkins in half or make you wear clothes two or three times before you washed them. She hung our clothes out on the line to dry and our house was always spotless.
She didn’t work outside the home until my teen years but when she did, it was no office job she took. She cleaned rooms in a local motel and later worked in the laundry room. Not a promotion in my opinion as I would often stop to see her and the heat in that little room in the summer months was stifling.
She didn’t think she would live to be very old or she didn’t want to, I was never sure which. She died five and half years ago at 75 years of age, the last 10 of which she struggled with health issues and dementia. I realized as her time here ended how little I really knew about her or maybe how little she wanted me to know. She didn’t speak a lot about the bad things in her past but did tell the happy stories over and over again. She said you can’t take back hurtful things you say and you always had the feeling there was a story that came with that but what it was I was never told. She was hard on me. And I’m sure I repaid the favor over and over again in my teen years. I’m sorry was not in her vocabulary but she loved the people in her life dearly. Especially my dad. She didn’t marry until her early 30’s and my father was the undisputable love of her life. She and my father had a child pass when she was only two and half. I think she felt like there was very little you could count on in life other than dying.
But every morning, you could count on that deep black cup of coffee that was as bitter as the days of the Depression. Thinking back now, I wonder if she really liked it that way or if she was used to a punishing way of life for so many years that she embraced the biting flavor. I will never know. Even my dad took a little sugar in his. I wonder what that says about him? That will have to wait for another day. But for just a moment, I sure did miss you, Mom.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Coffee, Mom, The Great Depression
Monday, January 25, 2010
A Message from Denise Brown
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: abuse, domestic violence, help, Nicole Brown Foundation
Sunday, January 17, 2010
La Herida Abierta or The Gaping Wound

NAFTA, our country’s wonderful Fair Trade Agreement has screwed our Mexican neighbors. I said it. It screwed them. Once the corn industry supported our friends south of the border but no more. With this agreement came the ability for corn to be bought from the US for less than Hispanics can grow and sell it for in their own country leaving the Mexican people with no real way to make a prosperous living. Their journey is full of danger and fear. Hundreds of immigrants are shot in fields and buried without a word and no one hears about them again.
Drugs? Yes drugs are an issue in Mexico just like they are in any country. In a bad economy the problem only increases. The US’s drug problem does not solely come from Mexico. Plenty of blonde, blue eyed people manufacture meth in their kitchens with their children sitting at the dining room table. This evil entity knows no boundaries or borders.
A few months ago I was told a story about an immigrant who was working a hard job 6 days a week for minimum wage. Her work load continued to increase as more and more labor was piled on to her day. When she fairly asked for a raise, he boss told her that he would not give her a raise. He told her that since she was Mexican this was a good job for her and she should just be glad to have it. When I heard this story I felt as if I had just been punched. Being here most likely illegally, she had no recourse of action for the prejudice that was just handed to her. Would this boss have said no to a white worker? And if the boss couldn’t afford the raise, then just say so. But to tell her it was because she is Mexican is criminal.
Okay….for the sake of argument, let’s enforce them being legal. Do you know what it costs for an immigrant to become legal? How about you look into that and ask yourself if you could afford it. Now, let’s lay a citizenship test in front of you. Can you pass it? Could you pass it in a language that was second to you? Okay. Let’s force them to become citizens. But MAKE IT FAIR.
Bottom line, Hispanic immigrants (the one’s who make it) are in this country to make a living at jobs that most whites do not want and they are hired by people who can pay them less than they can pay whites. And they are here because our governments fair trade law have drove them out of their own country because they can’t make a living there any longer. So when you start talking about keeping them south of the border, imagine someone coming in to your home, taking away your ability to make a living, forcing you to separate from your family and loved ones. In your new location, no one will help you with your new language, the only job you get is long hours with hard labor and no hope of advancement. But you are glad to do it because you have no other options and you know this will be your life for the rest of your days. Glass ceiling? How about low ceiling. How about a boot on your forehead forever. No retirement. No health care. No luxuries. This is it. Forever and always. Last I saw, the 13th Amendment was abolished. Apparently not.
If what I have said here makes you angry, good. If you are angry because you disagree with me, what is your heritage? Did your family stop at a little place called Ellis Island? If so than you were given a fair chance in the greatest country in the world. Our southern neighbors deserve the same. And if you’re angry because you didn’t realize things were so bad for your employee, friend, or neighbor than do what you can to get their voices heard. It is 2010 in the greatest, wealthiest country on the planet. Doesn’t this all seem a little ridiculous? End the bigotry. End the unfairness. Let them work and earn a living and pay taxes and contribute the economy where they can work, earn a living, pay taxes and contribute. It’s time to stop the slavery.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: borders, hispanics, immigration, NAFTA
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Need a Little Comfort Food? Here's How you do it!
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: BBQ Sauce, comfort food, Grilling, meat, sauces, Tribal Moose Premium Sauces
Monday, January 11, 2010
Regis Opens House to Public
Parents considering high school options
should attend on Jan. 31st
On Sunday, January 31, 2010 Regis High School will host an open house for families who are considering education options for their children’s schooling. The Regis Open House will be held at 550 West Regis Street in Stayton from 1 to 3 p.m.
The purpose of this open house event is to let the public see first-hand the quality of education delivered at Regis High School. Parents and prospective students will get the chance to meet teachers, coaches and current students. Students who represent clubs will be available, as well as coaches who lead athletic teams. Clubs such as the Regis Fly Fishers the Blazers will have interactive and educational booths.
There will be student hosts acting as personal tour guides. “Last year, I really loved working with the incoming freshmen. It’s a lot of fun to get to know them before everyone else does. I look forward to meeting more students this year!” said eleventh grade student Michael Ripp.
There will be displays featuring student’s work in science, art, physics and more. In addition, the school will feature Picturing America, a set of 36 large prints that are a traveling art display provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities grant.
The public is welcome to attend this open house. For more information, call the school at 503.769.2159.
About Regis High School
In 1963 Regis High School was built by a group of dedicated families from the surrounding area. Regis is a Catholic educational community that is open and accessible to any student who is looking for values-based education. For more than 30 years, the Regis High School Foundation has provided financial stability to the school and has granted merit based scholarships to more than 123 students totaling $34,300 since 2004. Regis affirms the uniqueness and dignity of individuals, inspires the pursuit of excellence, fosters faith and develops a commitment to service and justice through a balanced academic and co-curricular program. To learn more, visit or call 503.769.2159.
# # #
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: education, Oregon, private high schools, Regis High School, Stayton, willamette valley
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
When the World Gives You Lemons...
Manifesting is something that's been new to me in this past year. It's true that they say people pray more when times are tough and they are up against a wall. We will try anything. Beg, plead and borrow to get out of whatever jam we have currently got ourselves into. That deserves some ephasis. Whatever jam we have gotten ourselves into.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ask and It is Given, Gratitude, manifesting, meditating
Sunday, January 3, 2010
There is Always Next Year

Ike Taylor delivered a most unfortunate hit on off balance Miami 3rd string QB Pat White that left him with yet unidentified injuries. Ike Taylor was there at his side as the cart carried him off the field. His remorse still evident on the sideline plays later. What a contrast to the dark days of Jack Tatum who delivered a paralyzing blow to Daryl Stingley without a word of regret or concern to Stingley or his family at the time of the injury or years later.
Always first to defend my team when they call the Steelers “dirty”, I will concede hard hitting but never dirty. One of the reasons I have been a Steeler fan as long as I have is the organization itself and the Rooney family and their unwillingness to put up with less than class players for the sake of wins like so many other teams in the league.
Even Joe Greene did not like the term “Mean Joe Greene” in his playing days. And you would be hard pressed to find a man with more compassion than him. Play the game? Yes. Mean? No.
Are we in the playoffs? Miracles are needed. Most likely not. It was tough year riddled with injuries and a less than strong offensive line. But can the Steelers hold their heads high? In my opinion, absolutely. Looking forward to next season. Steeler fans never die. We just grow older.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ben Rothlisberger, Ike Taylor, Pittsburgh Steelers, playoffs
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Good-bye Gingerbread ~ Hello Crafts

It’s the first step. Now begins the phase of taking one thing down a day leaving the snowmen for last. I can’t take it down if it makes me sad. Gingerbread tree came down first as it was absolutely necessary. So how does one (who is known as Christmas Christy) begin to wean herself off of the holiday? Here is what I have discovered works for me.
Each year I am often a little disappointed in the lack of homemade items I have contributed to the season. January and February are great opportunities to begin those craft items I’m not in the mood to do in the spring and summer and do not have the time to begin in the fall. Perfect! Out come the craft books, the sewing machine and organizing the craft box which is no easy feat in itself.
This years project? Santa horse blankets! You’ll be able to buy them on Etsy once I have them completed! I’ll let you know when. Also more crocheting! My issue with beginning to crochet again is the last time I did a lot of it, the joints in my hands didn’t get sore and I could see. So even with the new challenge, it’s a great little night time project. What else, what else? Any suggestions for me? Keep in mind the gratification needs to come fairly swiftly as my craft kit is full of unfinished counted cross stitch projects.
Sources of inspiration are everywhere and winters here are long. I am keeping my mind open to the possibilities and as you all know, I will keep you posted.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas, crafting, crocheting, sewing