I belong to this great group call Success by Referral. Candy Bowman, as mentioned below, is also a member of the group and gave us and educational brief that I know I have kept in mind and maybe it will be of service to you as well.
In this time of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it's easy to get wrapped up in your private affairs and engagements and neglect the common courtesies that need to remain in place during the holidays. Take the time to put a smile on your face before answering your phone. It may sound silly but it does make a world of difference to the person calling on the other end of the line.
Another member of the group said that the definition of a professional is bringing your A GAME to your business at all times regardless as to what is going on in your personal life.
It's your business that has been their the other 11 months of the year and your business will be there after Santa Claus is long asleep after his journey. So take a moment to leave the stress of the holiday behind when working with a customer. Chances are that in doing so, you will find that you begin to feel better yourself! 

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