Saturday, March 27, 2010
And Oh No You Didn't

Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, GOP, Health Care Reform, ignorance, politics
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Oh Yes He Did!
What an amazing day in America’s history. For the first time in a long time, legislation recognizes the little guy and not big business. Also for the first time in a long time, I am so proud to be a part of this country and this process.
Two years ago I had the privilege of listening to presidential candidate Barack Obama speak here in Eastern Oregon. He spoke of changing health care and giving the opportunity for affordable health care coverage to millions of Americans who are struggling without. He spoke of how he would make discussions viewable to the public by putting it on CSPAN. How he would give everyone in congress the chance to have a say regardless of your party line. I looked at my son as the gymnasium erupted with applause and shrugged, “beautiful thought if he can do it”. Guess what folks. He did it.
Not only did he do it, he did it just how he said he would. Even as I type that I can hardly believe it. In my lifetime, I had yet to witness a true declaration and follow through quite as this one. I think maybe that is why so many on both party lines were shocked at his audacity and conviction in getting health care not only done, but just the way he said he would. Are we truly so jaded that we cannot see that we for once have a leader that has kept good on the promises he made on his campaign platform? I think so. Even I, Mary Poppins that I tend to be, had doubts that it would be as he said.
Barack Obama campaigned on change we could believe in. He promised to pay attention to the little man and do what he could to change outdated policies that no longer were working. He campaigned on a promise of Yes We Can. Oh yes we did.
Through it all the conservatives for big business did all they could but pull knives to get this stopped (and maybe a little of that, too) through lies, tainting, slander and just all around bad behavior that were not factually based. Our President went above and beyond what I felt was reasonable in including all sides in the debate and hearing everyone. He worked tirelessly toward compromise but when it became clear that if our President said the sky was blue the GOP would argue it was grey, that the show must go on with or without bipartisan support. And he did it.
The best part? Unlike politicians of the past, it’s not win at any cost for Obama. He has stated that he would rather be a one term president to do what is right rather than to do what is popular with the GOP. I don’t think this will happen. Especially once people begin to reap the benefit of this bill. But the fact that he’s willing to hang that out there in order to make a difference for the little guy makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Unique? Oh yes, oh yes folks. We have someone who cares. How lucky are we to see this and feel the benefits of this time and to know that our children and grandchildren will not be without health care coverage. This makes a difference not only for me but for my college age children.
Congratulations, Americans. Not just Yes We Can….but Oh Yes We Did! And the best is yet to come.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Health Care Reform, President Obama, Yes We Can
Thursday, March 18, 2010
BMHA Benefit Polo Tournament
Awwww….spring is in the air. And for this little girl, that means one thing. Polo season! In fact, with a few rides under my belt already, the season for me is looking hopeful.
Every year my polo club sponsors at least two tournaments. And every year we talk about how we “shoulda” done a big benefit tournament. We are done talking about it. We actually have the wheels in motion and are doing it! And it’s going to be impressive.
Mark your calendars for August 13-15 for a time you won’t want to miss out on. Starting on Friday August 13, we will have TooBamBoo playing; a beer garden and a salsa cook off. More details on these events are emerging every day so stay tuned. We kick off that night at 5 PM and will go until 8 PM.
Saturday, tournament play begins at 9 AM. So far, I have almost 4 full teams planning to attend and compete. These athletes are coming from Corvallis, Spokane, Northwestern Washington and Boise, Idaho. Noon on this same day will have a celebrity walk/trot match with local celebrities. We have some committed, some declined and some who need to be committed. I’ll have that list for you as time draws closer. Then after our celebs knock it out of the park, we’ll go back to tournament play.
Sunday we will have championship matches and then a parade of hats! Keep those derby hats out, Ladies after the derby. We have some great prizes starting with a $99 pearl and silver necklace from La Grande Gold and Silver. We also have a $25 gift certificate and gift basket from Cat’s Meow compliments of Erin Wylam. From Grande Ronde Med Spa we have a $50 gift certificate. So Ladies, it’s well worth it to come out and strut your stuff! This will be followed by more tournament play and our awards ceremony at 4 PM.
Admission to this event is $10 per car, a bag of dog food, cat food or a bag of cat litter. Vendors will be on hand including Joe and Sugars with healthy breakfast and lunch entrĂ©e’s so plan on spending the day. The La Grande Philly kids will be there and we are currently talking to some wonderful art and wine vendors as well. There will be games for the kids and a chance to win a bottle of soda from Pepsi, divot stomps, booths and of course, exciting polo action right here in Union County.
We still need sponsors for this event. Your tax deductable contribution will go a long way to cover expenses and put money in the pocket of the Blue Mountain Humane Society. Your dollars stay right here and benefit Union County. If you want more information on how you can be a part of this great event, please call Christy at 541.786.1613 and visit http://www.lgpolobenefit.com/. Every little bit helps. See you at the polo match!
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: animal shelter, benefits, charity, la grande polo benefit, la grande polo club, polo, sports
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Diary of a Mad Brown Waitress

On a final note, I enjoy the majority of my tables. If you have had a bad day, I want to make it just a little better. These are just some recommendations that I see day to day that helps you and helps me to help you to best of my ability.
Posted by Christy Marsing-Barber at 10:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: courtesy, politeness, restaurant, server, waitressing