Here we are just 2 hours away from a new year and a new decade. Want to know what else? I’m alone. And the surprise? I’m enjoying it. A single mom of a 17 and 22 year old, it was inevitable that the kiddos would not always be with me on this holiday. And it’s okay. I put everything I have into Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, my three favorite holidays. I swear it’s the fastest three months of the year. So by the time New Years Eve rolls around, I’m beat.
Never being my favorite holiday in the first place, I have learned to go with the flow and do what my heart wants to do on this night of new beginnings. I have had some fun parties and my night tonight didn’t go without invitations. I declined. I just really wanted to be home tonight.
First of all, I’m a Christmas junkie. Every inch of my home is decorated and I know my snowmen, trees (yes, plural) and gingerbread are on borrowed time. So here I sit, with Sex and the City reruns on, the house dark with the exceptions of my festive lights. Breathtaking. I have a cocktail beside me, my faithful Corgi at my side and am about to start a fire in the fireplace.
Earlier today, we had a snow storm. Now, at 10 PM, the night was still with only a quiet you can find only after the calm of such a storm. The corgi and I took a neighborhood stroll. It was so peaceful and it was fun to watch her take in the smells of the fresh deer tracks.
Yes, I am happy to put this decade behind me. Too many struggles that have since turned into great momentum headed into the next ten years. I’m ready. Bring it. In the next ten years, I will turn 50. I will continue to grow and become who I am supposed to be. I may remain single. I may not. My children will continue to find their own lives and I will continue to be here when they need a place to land. And there are many things that are yet to be answered. For now, a Siamese cat, a sleepy corgi and a beautiful tree before me are all I need. Oh yes, and that fire.