Wow! Okay. Here's the deal. It is no secret I am a publicist. I am proud to represent the businesses who trust in me to get the word out on their products. But I am here today as a consumer as well as a publicist to tell about my experience tonight.
I represent Tribal Moose BBQ Sauces. I have to be honest. I am not a huge BBQ fan. I don't go out of my way to eat at BBQ restaurants and don't use a lot of sauces like that when I cook. But as a publicist of Tribal Moose, I got a sample pack and I have to say I was really excited to try it.
Tonight (because where I live its already winter) I broiled boneless, skinless chicken breasts in my oven with steamed veggies and mashed potatoes. Good ol' comfort food. I put the Tribal Moose Spicy BBQ Sauce on half and Tribal Moose original in the others. Um. Can I say FANTASTIC???? I had a Spicy piece of chicken and it was flavored very well but I found I liked the sauce so well I put an additional amount on my plate to dip it in. Wonderful! My son had one of each and liked the Spicy best but liked dipping his broccoli in the original sauce!
It was amazingly good! From a girl who usually finds BBQ "okay" at best, I wanted to announce it to all of you that its worth having in your home, in your campers, in your tailgate and picnic kits! Don't leave home without it.
My son and I found ourselves discussing other uses for it. He admitted he was thinking something different at Thanksgiving might be fun. I agree. Though we like it hot, our guests may not. But we plan to baste our turkey this year with the Tribal Moose Original BBQ Sauce. If you know me at all, you know I don't mess around with my traditional dinner but I can hardly wait to do this. In fact, I have told my son to stay out of he Original Sauce until then so I am sure I have enough. The fact that it is infused with cranberries, this will be a perfect change to zing up my Thanksgiving turkey. I'll let you know how it is! In fact, I'll do you one better. Get a bottle and try it, too! We can compare recipes!
On another note, I have a huge family. No. I mean huge. Every Christmas I send a big package to my mother and I try to have something in it for everyone. As you can imagine, it gets expensive. I have two brothers who fish and hunt in SW Oregon. Guess what they are getting? I can't wait to send a bottle of this sauce off to them. I think they will have a great time adding it to fresh fish and game along with any other meats they may have. I think you will find prices are beyond resonable as well.
On yet one more note? I have seen a real movement in our country lately (I'll blog more about his later). Everyone is more socially aware and willing to help their fellow man. Did you know that every bottle of Cranberry Ketchup you buy from Tribal Moose, 100% of the proceeds go to the Salvation Army? As a publicist, you don't see that too often. Great products and a ketchup you can feel good about!
When you come up with a great recipe, pass it on to me! We love to hear your ideas! christy@tribalmoose.net!
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